Privacy Policy


Privacy Statement

Australian Loans & Mortgages Pty Ltd


Version Control

Version No.Review DateList of ChangesAuthorised Person Signature
130/06/2023Establishment of new Privacy StatementBenjamin Kirby

Privacy Statement

Dated 30 June 2023


  1. As part of Australian Loans & Mortgages Pty Ltd ACN 142 403 790, Australian Credit Licence 385213 and its related bodies
    corporate (collectively known as “AL&M” and also referred to in this Policy as “the Business”, “us,” “we” and “our”) process to ensure that it
    continues to maintain the highest levels of professional integrity and ethical conduct, the Business has adopted this Privacy Statement (Statement)
    to manage personal information in an open and transparent manner.
  2. The key objective of this Statement is to ensure the Business complies with its legal and ethical obligations in respect Privacy.

Operative provisions

1. Definitions

1.1 Definitions

In this document:

ACLmeans Australian Credit Licence.
The Businessmeans Australian Loans & Mortgages Pty Ltd ACN 142 403 790 and any related bodies corporate that might exist from time to time.
Employeemeans any of the Business’ employees, representatives, officers, or directors.
Representativemeans any Employee of the Business who:

  1. provides advice or deals in the credit services products authorised under the Business’ ACL; or
  2. is listed on ASIC’s register as an Authorised Representative of the Business’ ACL (where applicable).
Responsible Manager or RMmeans any individual nominated on the Business’ ACL as being responsible for significant day-to-day decisions about the Business’ credit services business.

2. This Statement

This Statement is effective from the review date above.

2.1 When does this Statement apply?

  1. Statement applies to all RMs, directors, officers and Employees of the Business at all times, and the requirements remain in force on an ongoing basis.
  2. The Statement represents the standards which apply throughout the Business. Where the Business relies on a Third Party for compliance with this Statement, the Business must ensure that such reliance is permissible under and complies with the applicable law and is consistent with this Statement.

2.2 Statement Review

This Statement will be reviewed on at least an annual basis by the Group General Manager of the Business, having regard to the changing
circumstances of the Business. The Group General Manager will then make any changes as necessary to ensure the ongoing compliance of this Statement.

3. Privacy Statement

3.1 Personal and Credit-Related Information

Australian Loans & Mortgages Pty Ltd ACN 142 403 790 and its related bodies corporate (“the Business, we, us, our”) collects and handles your
personal and credit related information in accordance with our Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy, so that we can process your
application, provide you with products and services, manage the products and services we provide to you, assess your suitability as a guarantor of
credit, take a guarantee from you and administer that guarantee, or tell you about our products and services that we think may interest you. If you do
not provide all the information we request, we may be unable to consider your application, complete the transaction you have entered into, accept
you as a guarantor, or provide a product or service to you.

We may:

  1. obtain commercial or consumer credit information about you from a credit reporting body to enable us to assess your credit worthiness;
  2. obtain information about your activities or commercial or personal credit worthiness from a business which provides information about
    commercial or personal credit worthiness;
  3. if you are a proposed guarantor, obtain credit reporting information about you from a credit reporting body for the purpose of
    assessing whether to accept you as a guarantor;
  4. exchange personal information and credit-related information about you with other credit reporting bodies and credit
    providers to assess your application and credit worthiness and to notify them of any defaults by you; or
  5. disclose credit-related information and other personal information about you to a guarantor (for the purpose of keeping them
    informed about the guarantee or the enforcement or proposed enforcement of the guarantee) or to a proposed guarantor (for the purpose of them
    considering whether to offer to act as guarantor).

3.2 Disclosure of Personal and Credit related Information

  1. We may also disclose your personal and credit related information to third party funders we act as agent for, the suppliers or
    retailers of any goods or services financed with credit we provide, other financial institutions, insurers, debt collectors, security registration
    bodies, our related bodies corporate, any person acting on your behalf including financial advisor, lawyer and accountant and third parties we
    engage to assist us with our functions and activities or provide services to us. Some of the third parties service providers may have servers located
    overseas such as in the Philippines, for example.
  2. As a provider of financial services, we are required or authorised to collect and disclose your personal and credit related
    information to government agencies and regulators in Australia and, in some cases, offshore to comply with our legal obligations such as the
    Anti Money Laundering and Counter Terrorism and Financing Act 2006(Cth).

3.3 Access to Personal and Credit related Information

You have a right to access your personal and credit related information that we hold and may ask us to correct this. Our Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy on our
contains more detail on your rights and contact details for questions or complaints and how we will deal with complaints.

3.4 Notifiable Matters

Our website also contains a Credit Reporting – Statement of Notifiable Matters. These are matters you should be aware of in relation to the use and disclosure of your credit related personal information. The Statement of Notifiable Matters includes:

  1. details of the credit reporting bodies to which we are likely to disclose your credit information, the types of credit information
    we may give them and how this information will be used;
  2. your rights over your credit information, including how you can access and correct your information and make complaints;
  3. our rights to direct a credit reporting body to limit the use of your information for direct marketing purposes and what protections
    are available if you believe you are a victim of fraud; and
  4. information about our Privacy Policy and Credit Reporting Policy.

3.5 Contact Us

You can contact us using the details below for a hard copy of the Statement of Notifiable Matters:

  1. Group General Manager / Groups Operations Manager:
    1. Phone: 1300 552 755
    2. Post: Group General Manager / Group Operations Manager
      Australian Loans & Mortgages Pty Ltd
      Suite 9.03, Level 9, 56 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000
    3. Email:
  2. Folio Mortgage & Finance:
    1. Phone: 1800 304 572
    2. Email: